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Wednesday, September 7, 2011


Now we all know (and for those who don't) God is a merciful God ready to forgive the second we repent and ask Him. We know that God wants to see us prosper in our relationship with Him, and He is rooting for us to win and stay on the right track. Unfortunately, some Christians are not so loving and forgiving, and I think its about time we put this issue on FULL BLAST.

Too many times there are situations within the body of Christ, where I won't see a particular girl or guy for months at a time, the reason why is usually behind a sin that is visible to other church members (i.e. pregnancy, falling back in to old ways). Why are they hiding from church members? Because instead of us helping them to get back on the right track, we kick them while they are down, and usually they become the subject to our weekly gossip circles.

The most interesting thing is that some of us that were doing THE MOST (out in the world) and have now found Christ quickly forget that it was His grace and love that saved us. We are ready to act "super deep" and turn our noses to the sky because we got some Holy Ghost in us, and have a few bible verses memorized. Please don't mistake what I am saying as being ACCEPTING of sin, I simply mean that we have to help each other stay on track.

The best way for me to illustrate my point is through a race.  When we get saved we start running in the right direction together, sometimes someone beside you might trip up on something and fall, sometimes somebody beside you may not be drinking enough water (living water of the word) and may be a little dehydrated, sometimes some of us may be running but we have gained a little extra weight (baggage) and we are struggling a little bit. What I often see is the spiritually fit, running swiftly not caring about anybody else as they go. Even worse, when one falls, we abandon them as they sit there on the track with their face on the ground, contemplating turning back since they are so far behind.

 The most amazing thing I ever saw was a sprinter who fell during a race. He was dead last, and everyone had already finished the race. As he sat there with his head hung down, from the side line we see a man (who may have been his coach) run on to the track. Though it looked like he was going to help him to get off to the side, he took the sprinters arm, put it around his neck and helped him drag his exhausted body across the finish line. We are in this race together and we need each others help. I don't care how spiritually profound you are, at some point somebody has got to pray for you. When we see our brother or sister get knocked down by the devil, and their face is in the dirt we have to turn around, put their arm around our neck and tell them "Don't give up, we are going to make it to heaven together". Ultimately God is the one who restores, but He put his love inside of us so we can share it with our fellow human beings.

When that sister stops coming to church because she found out she is 3 months pregnant, put her arm around your neck. When that brother gets caught up in pornography addiction, and is too afraid to tell anyone put his arm around your neck. When one of us falls out of line, we should all shout "Man down, code red" and turn around and put their arm around our neck. Let's help each other be better Christians.....Just a word of advice.

1 comment:

  1. Truly inspiring. Something I need to remember since I've been knocked down a few times myself. Let pray and support each other.
