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Thursday, August 18, 2011


Now I know some of you have prayed that prayer, even those of you who try to act like you're so tuff, and "don't need no man!". Some of us have been waiting a few years and I know it seems like he is nowhere in sight! Can I share something with you? I know how you feel! More importantly God knows how you feel.

When I was getting ready to start my freshman year at Liberty University(a Christian School), I was SURE I was going to meet my Boaz. There is no way that I could go to this school FULL of young handsome Christian men and not meet anyone. In my Freshman year.....I didn't meet anybody. I thought to myself, "well maybe because I'm new and just getting adjusted". In my sophomore year......nobody. I thought "maybe I've been too focused and need to get out in the social scene".In my junior year....NOBODY. I said "Am I ugly, I mean I bathe everyday and groom myself". Finally in my senior year I pannicked, HUGE MISTAKE ladies! Don't do anything out of fear, or you will live to regret it, (Tyrone down the street that has been trying to get with you for months IS NOT WORTH IT). I decided to date a guy that I thought was handsome and loved the Lord, but I knew that when I asked the Lord, I heard a big loud NO! Boyyyy, was that a heartache, not only for me, but for him. We got involved only to seperate once the year was over. After 4 years of college, I left Liberty University empty handed. After that experience I realized that it may be that God was "blocking" that whole time, maybe because He had a greater plan for me.

Ladies, I know some of you are saying "girl please, you were so young and I am pushing 40, 50 or even 60" but pay attention to the awesome things God is doing in your life because He sees what you can't see, and he may be protecting you from a WORLD of trouble. As much as I encourage you to be patient and wait on God, I have to keep it real and explain some things I think might be prolonging your wait.

First thing, STOP BEING THIRSTY. If you don't know what that means, in more correct terms it means desperate. I used to be #1 at being a DESERT type of thirsty, and it got me nowhere! Here are some ways to determine if you are thirsty: If you are the type of woman that scans the room everytime you walk in, overdress for casual events, have all your "goodies" on display, stand up and talk forever to a guy you like, especially when you see he is in a rush, YOU MIGHT BE THIRSTY.  Secondly, prepare yourself to be a wife. Practice keeping your house clean and learn to cook a "lil' sum sum", even if you don't believe in traditional roles it doesn't hurt. Don't think that once you are married these skills will magically appear. Third, maintain your natural beauty. As I have said in my previous article "Being Saved is NOT and Excuse to Look Raggedy", make sure you look presentable. Fourth, be open minded within the realms of Christianity. He may not be what you think is your type at first, but you could be passing up your future mate and best friend. Get over minor things like, his hight, skin complexion and other ridiculous stuff I have heard women overlook a guy for. Finally, SEEK GOD first ladies. Nothing is more attractive on both sides, male and female, to see an individual who is about God's business, and doesn't have time to sit in a corner and re-apply their lip gloss 500 times hoping they will get noticed.

God has a different plan for all of us, and maybe you have been doing the best you can. I pray that God opens the door for that right person for you, and that you will soon meet your "Boaz". In the meantime Don't try to do God's job. Almost 4 years out of college, the Lord brought a wonderful man of God in my life, and I am so glad that He didn't allow me to have my way. Do your thing, and don't be fretful about the lack of romance in your life. Take yourself out on dates, treat yourself to a good time, I did. When you learn how to love yourself and enjoy your own company, your Boaz might be right around the corner....just a word of advice


  1. This is great Kara. Thanks for the advice to our sisters that are still waiting.It is important for women to wait and not try to "work" things out with their own hands. God designed the world and everything in it and does not need (wo)man's assistance. All too often we try to rush things or fix things only to exacerbate the situation and which leaves us in a more depressed mental state.

    My word of advice, now that I am married and found my Boaz (as I too was "Desert" thirsty)

    God designed woman to be pursued. You are not to do the pursuing. Get yourself in position and wait on God. It is better to wait and get it right, than to rush resulting in an unhappy/ungodly union.

    God designed us so he knows our needs. Please be encouraged and know that God has not forgot and he is still working things out on your behalf.

    Stephanie Mays Evans

  2. i needed to read this. thanks!

  3. This article has been extremely encouraging! Thanks!

  4. Yea Girl! I just love this, the Truth.
