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Monday, August 8, 2011

Speak LIFE Into Your Future

I am a firm believer in the power of words, and it's not because I read or watched "the Secret" and got some new revelation, it's because it was in the Bible way before they came out with that bootleg movie. I know the Bible says "Life and Death are in the power of the tongue" and I also recognize that this very earth was created by the words that came out of the mouth of God. I say that to say, be mindful of the things that come out of your mouth, even the most innocent things. Along with speaking life is also believing what you are saying! For example, I try my best not to say "I am broke" but rather "I am in financial transition". In accordance to being mindful of your words, the Bible also says "write the vision and make it plain". Sometimes you need a visual to remind you of your goals. Goal setting is one of the most important things to do in life, and often we fail to do it. It's like trying to take a trip somewhere you've never been with no roadmap/GPS or directions. I personally have what I call a "vision board", and do you want to know something? Most of the things that I put on there have already happened. Way back when I was single, I had a picture of a husband and wife, and a wedding ring (along with my collage of other pictures) two years later, I'm engaged!(not because I'm some psycho chick obsessed with weddings). God opened the door in his own timing. I challenge you to make a dream board, without restrictions, and dream BIG even if you can't see HOW it would ever happen. Always speak words of success into your future.....just a word of advice

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