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Thursday, August 11, 2011

Missionary Relationships...Girl, You Know Better Than That!

There are probably a few of you saying "No don't go there!" or "stay out my business, you don't know how hard it is to find a man", WELL HONEY I DO. Before I was engaged, I was single for so long, I'm embarassed to tell you. I wasn't single because of lack of gentlemen interest, but because I was determined that I was going to marry a man of God. As I explained in one of my earlier articles "Singleness is not a Sickness or Disease" a Man-of-God is a man who not only attends church, and totes around a bible every now and then, but it is a man who is totally devoted to God, and who's life demonstrates that "he got some Jesus in him". Don't know what a missionary relationship is? It's when you, a saved, sanctified, Holy Ghost filled, FIRE baptized, woman of God finds yourself in a relationship with a man who only says "Jesus" when he's cussin'. Like I say in most of my articles, I'm never here to point the finger, the reason why I write these articles are from most of the mistakes I've made.

Can I ask a question that I've asked myself many times before? If you love God as much as you say you do, and He is first in your life, how can you connect yourself to someone who doesn't revere your God as anyone of great importance? And please don't think that you are so super deep that you can somehow pretend to be the Holy Spirit and save him. I will definitely witness to an unsaved guy, but I am NOT going to be in a relationship with you homie, SORRY!

Now, for those of you patting yourself on the back because your man says "Yeah girl, I believe in God" ummm, Demons believe in God too (Imjussayin'). The question is, does he obey God? To be quite honest, this one is a little hard to tell because some people can put up a good front when they are around you. In this instance you really have to ask the Lord for discernment. I remember when I used to tell guys I'm saved, they would say "yah girl me too" I would say, "oh ok, what church do you go to".......silence.....silence..."Well see I'm between churchs right now...I go to my grandmomma church sometimes....its called um...something with 'church' in it" . Now before you accuse me of JUDGING, he may be just as saved and going to heaven like me, but that doesn't mean we are equally yolked. His level of spiritual maturity may not match mine, which can cause major discord. Some examples of where it can become a problem in your relationship is when there are major decision that need spiritual guidance, or when he curses you out and feels no conviction, and in the case that you're not married he doesn't understand why or respect the fact that you won't sleep with him. Since he has no one to answer to he makes the rules of his own behavior. He also may not fully understand or care about the Godly principles of being a husband, and how to treat you as his wife. He is YOUR LEADER, and if your leader doesn't allow God to lead him, that spells trouble! Let me just make it clear though that I know women and men who have gotten saved after they were married and their partner didn't. According to the bible it is not grounds for divorce, so keep praying for them!

The bottom line that we all need to understand is DON'T GET ON ANYBODY'S SHIP (MAN) UNLESS JESUS IS THE CAPTAIN. Also, be patient and enjoy your life, God knows the desire of your heart. Ladies please keep your eyes open! Sometimes that man of God is sitting right in front of your face and you're too busy looking at "Mr.Smooth 'n' Cool" who has NO interest in you, that you fail to see your blessing......Just a word of advice


  1. Very Good... Only Jesus saves, I don't! LOL!

  2. Kara! Great article girl. Glad you are speaking from experience and encouraging other ladies to get it together.
    It's refreshing to read other (black)women,saying what needs to be said(and living by it)! Keep up the great work. So proud of you!

    Again, loved the article.
