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Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Bus' Satan in His Mouth!!!

In the past few months God has been working in me to deliver me from this terrible spirit called worry. When I graduated from College in 2007, the spirit of worry gripped my heart so badly that I couldn't even sleep at night. I worried about money, where I was going to live, where I would work, who I would marry, and a whole bunch of other nonsense. The Devil kept talking over my shoulder saying, "You're not going to make it, your a failure, what you gonna do?" I calmly responded, "Well, the first thing I'ma do is bust you in your mouth so you can shut up talking to me, and the next thing I'm gonna do is open my Bible to Romans 8:28 where it says 'All things work together for the good of those who love God and who are called according to His purpose". Well, it's been 2 years since then, and guess what? I have a place to live, money in my pocket, food in my stomach and I'm JUST FINE. I know it's easier said than done right? but if you really stop and think about it and realize that if you are in God's care, what do you think he is really going to do to you? Granted, there are some situations that are unfavorable and may bring you some discomfort, but know that He is only shaping you for the future.

I've learned to be a giver, and that is probably the best decision I have ever made in my life. In the past month I have been receiving checks out of nowhere, with no real explanation. I realized that God is NOT playing when He said, give and it will be given unto you good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over. Some of us complain about putting $5 dollars in the offering plate, but have no problem giving Puff Daddy or any other of these music artist more of our money for their CD's, just so they can make a video basically saying, "I got a Bentley and you don't". In this time of recession why do I see so many CHRISTIANS worried about it? God has BEEN taking care of us. Do you think He is going to stop and say, "Aww man its a recession? sorry my children I'm broke".

A few months ago I was worried about my job because they were making some cuts. My boss was really breathing down my neck, and I couldn't sleep; had my nerves all jacked up. Then I said to myself, "I'm not losing sleep for ANYBODY!" I realized that Power belongs to GOD, and Him only. Stop kicking yourself when you make mistakes because guess what? your boss may not tell you but THEY MAKE MISTAKES TOO (Ya, it's the weirdest thing I know, to find out that people you work with are human too). Stop worrying saying "oh man, people are getting laid off".... AND? If you know you come in to work and do the best job that you can, then I wish them negroes would fire me. Don't you know God will just give you a better job?

Finally, I just want to encourage you to STOP putting power in other peoples hands. When you wake up in the morning, send a prayer up to the Lord and do the best you can, and when Satan starts talkin' junk to you, turn around and BUSS' HIM IN HIS MOUTH!" .....Just a word of advice

1 comment:

  1. This is just what I needed today! The devil is a big old bully. I am going to bust him in the mouth with my best weapon... The Word of the Living God! Thank you for this! -Toiah
