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Monday, August 8, 2011

To All My Single Ladies (For the Record singleness is not a sickness or disease)

(Written in my single days, Jan. 9th, 2009)

There is an unfortunate stereotype that has been attached to being single that I hope in this article I will be able to correct. As a single young lady I've noticed that when I tell people that I am single they look at me like "I'm so sorry" or "I'm praying for you" as if I just told them I have leprosy or some kind of terminal disease. Actually, to be quite honest most single people walk around like they have leprosy or some disease and wonder why nobody wants to talk to them! Let me make it clear that I do want to be married, and I will be eventually, not because I'm looking for someone to love me, but becauses I know I have a promise from a father who loves me already. I'm not a marriage expert but it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that marriages these days are failing miserably inside and outside the church. Also, if you hadn't noticed the way "Christians" and unsaved people live their lives "these days", it's not much different INSIDE and OUTSIDE the church. It puzzles me how we as humans will make the same mistake over and over again and expect different results. If you eat salt, guess what?...Whether you're a Christian or not its going to taste like SALT. In other words, if you commit sin, you will often face the same results of your choices as someone who is not saved. We have to live according to the Bible as Christians if we want a fighting chance.

Back to the subject at hand. As a single person I understand that this is my time to shine. It doesn't mean that I walk around looking a hot mess, and being mean to every guy that approaches me. It means that I really don't care if you like me or not, if you like girls who wear make-up or not, if you like big booties, long hair, short hair, tall girls, short girls, light skinned, dark skinned, fat or skinny I am going to be the best woman that I can be and be fine because I say so, not because of your opinion. Don't confuse this with conceit; this is confidence in who I am in Christ. It may take longer for me to be with someone( I admit), and I may have to wait a while, but I'm willing to take that risk on Jesus then on a man that is half steppin' with his Christianity. I don't date Christian Men, I date Men of God, and ladies that's a man who's total devotion is to the Lord Jesus Christ. I hear people say "the way a man treats his momma is how he'll treat you"....That's a lie! I know plenty of men who treat their momma's good and still treat their women bad. I personally judge this way "The way a man treats GOD is how he will treat you". Does he spend time with God(reading his word and praying)? Is he faithful to Him(attending church and participating)?Does He have respect for God(care about what God thinks of his lifestyle and consult Him when he makes choices)? Does He praise God and show God his affection?
 Finally, I just want to say to all those who are single to ENJOY your life. Discover who you are and learn to love it. Understatnd that you can't make anyone live up to any standard that YOU can't keep yourseslf. Know that God know's the desire of you're heart, but He is not going to drop anyone in your lap. Socialize and have fun but always make God first. Always be the most beautiful person you can be inside and out. For the record, singleness is not a sickness or disease but a spiritual growth period to help you become the best you that YOU can be.

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